New metal miniatures!!! - TableTop BoardGames

TableTop BoardGames

Happy June 1st gang! Now live, the next batch of metal miniatures for Incursion Pacific Theater! Also I have updated the previous batch of the first 4 miniatures to include all the PNP version of their cards, including cards with SOLDIER I and II and so forth for ease of download and printing (also re-posting links for those minis)!  I am hoping to continue to release the metals in batches of 6 to 8 at a time over this summer and the FALL to get ready towards the launch of the new Expansion of Incursion, Pacific Theater (which will also be a stand alone version, backwards compatible but also a stand alone)

I present to you

INC 523 – US UDT NCO (1 model)

INC 524 – US UDT Trooper (1 model)

INC 606 – JAPANESE Private (1 model)

INC 611 – JAPANESE Oni Warrior with Kanabos (1 model)

INC 617-3 – JAPANESE Hopping Zombie Japanese Trooper (1 model)


These are the first batch of metals – re-posting so you can download the beta version PNP model cards

INC 511 – USMC B.A.R. gunner (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

INC 516 – USMC Trooper 2 (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

  INC 525 – US UDT trooper 2 (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

INC 608 – JAPANESE Sniper (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames