INCURSION Pacific Theater - new metals!!! - TableTop BoardGames

It happened, we passed our first kidney (err pewter) stones!  4 NEW metal miniatures are going on sale for INCURSION Pacific Theater!!!

Draft USMC Start Location Entry TOKEN

First up, the Marines… The USMC will start with squad weapon and basic troop.

INC 511 USMC B.A.R. Gunner

INC516 USMC w Garand

There are going to many types of USMC and characters to come in this is just the start


Then come the UDT, these are highly trained NAVY specialists who are not wearing their skivvies but alien technology, adaptive camouflage to better conceal them as they land and engage with targets prior to a larger deployment say from their marine buddies.  Here we have a trooper, #2 actually

Draft UDT Start Location Entry TOKEN

INC525 UDT trooper 2

In the game, the UDT will have a lead, 2 NCO’s and a few troopers and they can move stealthy (but no shooting) but are harder to hit, the Allied player gets to choose, but as you get closer to the Japanese, well, they might start to hear you and their success of finding you get better….


Finally, the whole reason we are here, the Japanese. In 1949 they still hold Iwo Jima and hte Allies at bay, no landing onto the mainland is possible without first securing the island.  Mostly because Allied intelligence says something weird is happening there.  Something that could alter the war dramatically, like Vgas induced worldwide zombies is not bad enough…

Draft JAPAN Start Location Entry TOKEN

INC 608 JAPAN Sniper

In the game play there are tokens that can be placed, used like CP’s, while laying out the board, the player playing the Japanese can assign with a hidden token marked “s” for Sniper or a blank to hide their snipers on the board in the trees or elsewhere, only way for allied to figure out if its an occupied sniper nest or not is to go knocking, screws up stealthy people real bad…

More to come, need to load up product onto website, will shortcut making a new page for Incursion PT just yet so we get these up ASAP!

Oh geez, yeah up next… the JAPANESE hopping zombies!!!  How can I forget them… well and some other surprises…


Here’s a test shot from a pnp version I made, little game between some UDT and snipers…

Here are the hyperlinks and images to the webstore, ENJOY!!!

TableTop BoardGames

USMC B.A.R. gunner (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

USMC B.A.R. gunner

TableTop BoardGames

USMC Trooper 2 (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

USMC trooper II

TableTop BoardGames

US UDT trooper 2 (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

UDT trooper 2

TableTop BoardGames

JAPANESE Sniper (1 model) – TableTop BoardGames

Japanese Sniper (1 model)